Google Cloud: Accenture ai.RETAIL platform integrates Google Cloud’s technologies for retailers – Times of India

google cloud has announced new initiatives with Accenture Including updates to Accenture’s widely adopted ai.RETAIL platform…

Accenture, Deloitte top M&A table in 30 months – Times of India

Bengaluru: In IT sectionmarket mergers, Accenture topped the 30-month acquisition table with 72 deals, followed by…

ChatGPT: ChatGPT’s other AI models may worry Indian IT companies; But why not in the long run – Times of India

Generative AI models such as Open AI chatgpt A report by research firm Jaypee states that…

Accenture opens advanced technology center in Coimbatore. Coimbatore News – Times of India

Chennai: Accenture said on Wednesday that it has opened its newest advanced technology center in India…