ETimes Troll Slayer: Internet’s obsession with Ileana D’Cruz’s pregnancy must end gracefully now! , Hindi Movie News – Times of India

since Ileana D’Cruz Announced her pregnancy, trolls are playing sleuth to find out all the details about the unborn child. who is the father? Who is her lover? Pregnant without marriage? The mother-to-be is being harassed by mindless questions from intrusive netizens. He is not bound to answer any of these questions.
three decades ago Neena Gupta She also had to face a similar painful situation when she was pregnant out of wedlock. Although trolls did not have open platforms like social media at that time, but for Neena, the idle talk and gossip was disturbing. While she chose to focus and shine in her career, ileana also deserves a similar chance. She has to go through this special phase of becoming a mother. Truth be told, Ileana is trampling trolls like a queen, not letting them eclipse her moments!
Take a look at some of the taunts she has faced recently and our reaction to it.

“Probably just a new song or movie coming out, common way to promote these days”


How can one really joke about the influx of emotions and jolt of hormonal changes that an expectant mother has to go through? It is far-fetched to believe that a mother would do this just for promotion. Instead of subjecting Ileana to negativity, why not give her the love she deserves at this critical stage of life?

“Besharam aurat”


It takes a lot of guts to take such life decisions and to call her shameless from behind the cloak of anonymity is sheer hatred. Makes us wonder why a woman still needs the permission of the ever-curious internet to make life decisions and is then harshly judged for her every move.

“Baap Kon Inska”


Whoever the father is, it certainly has nothing to do with the Internet. Being the annoying human being you are, it might be fun to talk about Ileana’s pregnancy, but this is what the world calls “typical troll behavior” and should be avoided.