Arnold series review: A dazzling showcase of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s incredible success story

Arnold Schwarzenegger in a scene from 'Arnold'

Arnold Schwarzenegger in a scene from ‘Arnold’

Leslie Chilcott’s docu-series debuts Arnold Schwarzenegger While chilling in a heated pool in his hometown of Thal in Austria. Schwarzenegger grew up in the shadow of his police chief father, who had his own struggles with alcoholism and World War II PTSD. Told over a series of interviews, the three-part series looks at key chapters in Schwarzenegger’s life. The titles of each episode are self-explanatory – ‘Athlete’, ‘Actor’ and ‘American’.

Arnold (English)

director: Leslie Chilcott

starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron, Jamie Lee Curtis, Danny DeVito, Linda Hamilton, Sylvester Stallone, Ivan Reitman, Jay Leno, Charles Gaines, Mike Murphy

episode: 3

run-time: 60-65 minutes

Story: The Story of Arnold Schwarzenegger From Growing Up in a Small Austrian Village with Big Dreams to Becoming the Greatest Bodybuilder of All Time, a Global Superstar and the Governor of California

‘Athlete’ talks about his childhood, his difficult relationship with his family and his burning desire to move to America. After seeing British bodybuilder Reg Park as Hercules in a film, Schwarzenegger decided that would be his ticket out of Dodge. His focused approach has seen him hone his body and mind to compete and win competitions around Europe. He met his fate as he was invited to participate in Mr. Universe in America. He was confident of victory because he had so many years and his defeat (he came second) was a reality. He’s worried about his parents hanging pictures of oiled-up muscle-men over his bed instead of the pictures of the normal women you’d expect to see in a teenage boy’s room.

After re-training to meet American bodybuilding standards and reigning for 10 years, Schwarzenegger is looking for the next peak to conquer the ‘actor’ ranks that James Cameron, Jamie Lee Curtis, Danny DeVito, Linda Hamilton, as Sylvester, is also the funniest segment. Stallone and Ivan Reitman talk about making classics. Also mentioned is businessman Schwarzenegger, who was a millionaire in the 70s thanks to his shrewd investments in real estate.

Although he entered acting at a time of smaller men—Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, and Robert De Niro—Schwarzenegger acted with the confidence for which he is known. despite the documentary pumping iron becoming a sensation, and stay Hungry Based on a well-received book by Charles Gaines, establishing himself in Hollywood proved to be a difficult task for Schwarzenegger. Rubbing producer Dino De Laurentiis the wrong way didn’t help either. However, the eccentric Academy Award-winning director, John Milius, convinced Laurentis that Schwarzenegger was right for the title role of 1982. Conan the BarbarianThe loaded .45 milius he was known to be carrying may have played a part.

There’s a Whole Terminator Section With Cameron, Which Schwarzenegger Directed the Terminator And Terminator 2: Judgment Day, adding that the studio had originally cast Schwarzenegger for Kyle Reese and OJ Simpson for Terminator! Thankfully it was rejected. The story behind the iconic “I’ll be back” line is also discussed. Hamilton talks about Schwarzenegger’s generosity on set and how proud he was to work on his body judgment day,

Reitman and DeVito discuss Schwarzenegger’s entry into comedy TwinsCurtis talks about working with Schwarzenegger true lie, while Stallone talks about their fierce rivalry. He says that while he was always beaten up on screen and had to fight back, Schwarzenegger was always top dog. “Arnold, you can fight a dragon and come back with a Band-Aid!” Stallone says.

The third episode, ‘The Americans’, deals with Schwarzenegger’s governorship of California, his work in climate change as well as allegations of molesting women, his homecoming with an illegitimate son, and the breakdown of his 25-year marriage to Maria Shriver. Although Schwarzenegger’s attitude towards mental health may be problematic, “too busy to be depressed”, as in the way he deals with family, including putting his brother out of his mind, Arnold Makes it fun to sell the American dream while reliving an earlier time, anything you want if you set your mind to it. And then there’s the cute little ponies and donkeys not to mention the adorable dogs. Ah…

Arnold currently streams on Netflix