Cop remixes Moose Wala’s song to promote road safety 295 | Chandigarh News – Times of India

Bathinda: Sidhu Moose Wala’s hit song ‘295’ is working for the Punjab Police to spread awareness about traffic rules.
A constable in Moga Police, Gurbej SinghHe has written the lyrics of the song’s tune, so that he can make a song that is catchy and able to appeal people to follow traffic rules.
Posted in traffic wing of Moga Police Gurbhej Says he has sung songs before as well, but the latest one was closest to his heart, as it was for the greater good. Gurbhej (30), who is in the police force, says, “Seeing how traffic violations are causing accidents, I decided to find a way to make people aware of the importance of following traffic rules And the song 295 came to my mind.” in 2011.
In the song, he talks about the importance of giving way to ambulances, fire tenders and other emergency vehicles, wearing helmets and seat belts, and not going beyond the speed limit. Moga Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Gulneet Singh Khurana appreciated the action.