Expend4bles Movie Review: Farewell to frivolous violence, this film struggles to live up to its hype

Story: Under the leadership of Barney Ross, an operation to thwart a terrorist attempt to steal nuclear warheads in Libya goes awry. In an effort to rectify their mistake, the team of elite mercenaries regroup in Asia to prevent a potential World War III.

Review: The best moment in Expend4bles lies not in its action sequences, but in a comedic twist where Jason Statham’s character finds himself working as a private security guard for an irritating social media influencer. However, he quickly realises that this gig is far from his forte. This aspect of the film speaks volumes about its overall tone. Expend4bles falls short in both introducing ground-breaking elements to the action genre and in providing an engaging viewing experience. Instead, it delves into a monotonous realm of explosions, throat-slitting, and mindless violence, all thinly woven into a sub-par lackluster plot. It is apparent that the writers struggled to construct an engaging narrative around the gratuitous violence on display.

While watching the film, one cannot help but long for the action legends of the franchise – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, and Jet Li. This yearning is exacerbated by the film’s feeble plot, which fails to provide any substance. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of Expend4bles is the lack of standout performances from any of its actors. Half of them appear as mere props, while the rest seem to sleepwalk through their roles. The film incorporates every conceivable action genre trope in its plot – explosions, motorcycle acrobatics, knife fights – you name it. It only manages to pique interest when the action shifts to an aircraft carrier, but by then, it’s too little, too late and viewers have lost all hopes of any redemption.

The plot unfolds at a chemical plant in Libya, where the Expendables attempt to thwart Rahmat (Iko Uwais) from absconding with nuclear warheads. The mission takes a disastrous turn, resulting in the death of Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), the operation’s leader. Marsh (Andy Garcia), a furious CIA operative, replaces Lee (Jason Statham) with his former lover, Gina (Megan Fox). As it becomes clear that nuclear warheads are en route to Russia, potentially triggering World War III, the team of mercenaries is hastily dispatched to the South Sea to avert catastrophe. Surprisingly, Lee manages to stealthily board the ship, setting the stage for a series of revelations.

Expend4bles is rife with clichés, and it is evident that the cast and crew did not believe in reinventing the wheel. The fourth installment of the franchise appears to have been created solely to capitalise on its prior popularity. Thankfully, this film marks the series’ conclusion, sparing our senses from any further assault.