Explained: The view count tab feature on Twitter – Times of India

TwitterView Counts tab is a tool that helps users to get information about the engagement of their tweets. This allows them to track how many people have seen their tweet and how many people have interacted with it. The View Counts tab also helps users identify when a tweet is going viral and gives an idea of ​​the reach it has achieved. Here’s everything you need to know about view count Twitter feature.
The View Counts tab on Twitter shows the total number of views a tweet has received. This feature helps users to access their tweets and easily see the tweets that appear on their timeline. They appear next to the analytics icon on each Tweet on the timeline and next to the date and time the Tweet is opened to view Tweet details.

It should be noted that not all tweets have view counts. Only Twitter users can access community tweets, twitter circle tweets and old tweets. “Note that it may take up to a minute for the count to show after a Tweet is posted,” reads the help center page on Twitter.
Can everyone see the view count on Tweets?
Yes, anyone on Twitter can check view counts on tweets made by other people, whether the user is an author or a reader.
Who are the viewers?
Any user who is logged into Twitter and views a Tweet is counted as a view, regardless of where the Tweet was viewed (e.g. Home, Search Profile, etc.) or whether the user/viewer follows the author. “If you’re the author, even viewing your own tweet counts as a view,” adds Page.

How are views counted?
In particular, if a user views a tweet more than once, multiple views may result. However, not all views are unique. For example, if a user views a tweet on the web and then on a phone, it will be viewed twice.
Can you see view counts on Tweets from protected accounts you follow?
Yes, you can see the view count on Tweets from protected accounts. The authors always could, but now their followers can too.
Will Promoted Tweets count as views?
Yes, Promoted Tweets will be counted as views.