Pope to give women permission to appoint bishops – Times of India

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Vatican city: Pope Francis He said he wanted to give women more top-level positions in the Holy See and revealed that for the first time he would name women on the previously all-male Vatican committee that helps them select the world’s bishops.
The role of women in the Vatican hierarchy was one of several church and international topics that the 85-year-old pontiff discussed in an exclusive interview with Reuters on July 2 at his Vatican residence.
A new constitution for the central administration of the Holy See that went into effect last month allows any baptized Catholic, including laymen and women, to head most Vatican departments.
“I am ready to give (women) an opportunity,” she said in part of the 90-minute interview, which discussed the new constitution for the central administration, known as the Kuria.
He mentioned that last year, he named a woman for the first time in the number two position in the governorship of Vatican City, making Sister Rafaella Petrini Highest ranking woman in the smallest state in the world.
“For the first time, two women will be appointed to the committee, who will elect bishops to the congregation of bishops,” he said.
The move, which has not been officially announced, is highly significant because for the first time women will have a role in the appointment of the world’s bishops, who are all men.
“That way, things are opening up a little bit,” he said.
new constitution
Francis did not name the women or say when their appointments would be officially announced.
The members of the committee, who have now become cardinals, bishops and priests, usually meet twice a month in Rome.
Last month, the Irish-American Cardinal Kevin Joseph FarrellThe Episcopal Prefecture for Public, Family and Life joked that with the promulgation of the new constitution, he could possibly be the last cleric to head that department.
Asked which other Vatican departments could be headed by a layman or a woman, Francis suggested that they could include the Catholic Education and Culture Department and the Apostolic Library. They are currently led by male clerics.
Francis has already nominated several women, both nuns and lying women, to Vatican departments.
Last year, she placed Italian nun Sister Alessandra Semerilli in second place in the Vatican’s Office of Development, which deals with issues of justice and peace.
In addition, Francis has named Nathalie Beauquart, a French member of the Xavier Missionary Sisters, as co-undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops, which prepares major meetings of world dioceses every few years.
Women already in top positions at the Vatican include Barbara Jatta, the first female director of the Vatican Museums, and Christian MurrayDeputy Director of the Vatican Press Office. Both were appointed by Francis.

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